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Where and How Do We Lose Fun in Life

We always think of happiness and fun in future.  Our thinking goes like this :
when I make lot of money, life would be fun,
when I get a job, life would be fun
when  i finish my degree, life would be fun,
when i find my soulmate, life would be fun,
when my kids grow up life, would be fun ........

One day, I wake up find my self alone, tired and no fun either!
I did multitasks, mostly did three plus people jobs single handed, so that we will have time later
 Time passes because, time DOES NOT STOP  ticking for anyone ...... and you missed out.

This is how our years pass by and all of a sudden we are left alone with plenty of time. malfunctioning body parts and lots and lots of spare and alone time on our hands,

Present Time is the only time that matters. Value and respect this  moment before it slips by.
Enjoy the present company. Respect and Honor,  the present time, present health and present blessings !


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