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Kindness The Key To Stress Reduction

Kindness is powerful virtue that can free one internally and externally.
We will like to be free of anxieties that we create and those created by around us. We practise this virtue often but without awareness to what it showers on us at the time.
It is an intrinsic goodness instilled by Nature in all beings but we overlook the freedom, the experience it displays when we are kind.
Kindness is our nature. It happens instantly. It is sitting inside us. I am talking about the kindness in little ways,  for example you see someone arms loaded with parcels you lunge forward to hold the door. It happens naturally. You feel good. For that moment you had no ulterior motive, just felt kindness, and acted kindness. No judgement as to, "why are you carrying so may parcels if you are unable to?   Why do you expect people to help you ? Why can you be more responsible ? "   No such thought.
This is what kindness does. It takes away all negativity at the moment. You are indeed very light. Now if we add gratitude to Nature for allowing you, for presenting you with such an opportunity to feel useful without any pre-planning, you just cannot help but  feel good and so humble.
 Becoming aware of such small present moments graciously that, one experiences makes one want to practise  other virtues of goodness too.  Your inside gets empowered to stay away from lying, condemning, cheating, hating etc. These virtues enslave you, take your freedom away and create unnecessary fears and stresses.
A major benefit of beings for a small action of staying in the present moment even for small things.


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