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Belief And Success Inseparable

Whatever we achieve in life is the result of our belief. May be we were not conscious of it but we did believe in it for it to happen. The belief comes from our experience and thought and life energy residing inside the physical body. The conscious awareness of this power works in bringing success beyond our imagination.

There is another mega benefit of this awareness.  We begin to understand that this energy exists in all creatures. Our thinking focus moves from self to Universe creating, an empathy for all others and leading us to the path of oneness.  Slowly the ego also changes it's thinking and works with you, to serve and benefit all.

 The catalyst for this behaviour is born from the gratitude we feel for whatever and however little we have achieved so far.

The life energy serves us all the time.  I do not recall where I first heard or read this that , the blessings are flowing all time even when we are sad. In sadness we become so fatigued  that we feel so lifeless and weak that we hold the bowl tilted and half heatedly, instead of straight. The blessings flow in it but, because of tilted holding they flow right out.
If a friend comes by and reminds you of your achievements at such a time you straighten your bowl right away. Within no time, you begin to realize that all that success took place because of your belief in yourself and persistence in overcoming all obstacles until you achieved your goal.


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