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Tiredness On Waking Up

The feeling of tiredness on waking is an indicator that all though you slept your body could not relax because the mind was not relaxed.  Like anything else body has to be prepared for night's sleep. The night is for the body to do repair work, and if we go to bed without letting go of tiredness and thoughts then we are being unrealistic, expecting the body to over work, without any help.
 The tools used to relax are listening to music, watching a show or something that will relax the mind.

Our life is the creation of our mind
                                   _ Buddha

Mind has tough time to dealing with instructions alone,  with actions it comprehends better.  The easiest that works for me is spread your hand on top of the head and bring  all lingers together gently as if pulling all tension away.  Now offer this to the Universe or The Creator or God, what ever name you call the Power of Life, saying you need His help to lighten the mind. Next press hips and legs gently to the bed, let go and relax. next press the torso and then then the neck and head to the bed and let go.  Feel relaxed and fresh next morning.
Mind and body are ready to create a new day. Like anything else they need undivided attention.
 The bonus to this exercise is it helps you go back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.


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