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Changing Thoughts For Peace and Happiness

I read and heard about changing thoughts to happier ones to experience happiness. I found that was a very tall order and tough.  Even if I was able to change the thoughts to happy thoughts, they changed back to unhappy, as soon as something unpleasant happened.  After many many experiments, I found that just changing the thought alone did not work for me.
I realised that I had to question how and why did those thoughts get into my mind in the first place.?  The answer was, the culprits were the sense organs, eyes and ears mostly.  They brought such input for my mind. The amount of time I exposed them to negative elements was the deciding factor for how long the thoughts would stay.
This awareness came about 30 plus years  ago when I watched soap operas.  My mind was so involved in them that it was pathetic to see how my life revolved around them. One fine day I decided I was not gaining anything watching dramatic problems and I quit.
Something good came of it, I was spending more time on healthy living which was my other passion.

Mind needs to be emptied of all the thoughts you find unpleasant. Watch the thoughts and dump them out in the garbage can literally. This action might seem silly for thoughts are not physical but opening the can and imaginary dumping works wanders until you can do the whole action in imagination.  Then look at others without any previous history and you will  find that they have lost the ability to upset you in any sense because, now your eyes sees them without the historical adjectives.
Recharging by deleting the history often rejuvenates, allows peace, brings happiness, allows one to live in the present often which is more likely what Nature intended us to do.
 If trees can shed their leaves in fall and embrace the same branches with new leaves and flowers and fruits in spring and summer so can we beings erase the past and accept others.  A simple yet effective action which when repeated often makes one see Oneness in all.


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