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The Gifts Anger Leaves Behind

A -- anxiety
n -- stirs negativity sitting in us
g -- growls like an animal
e -- intellect makes an exit
r -- reckless behaviour

Anxiety evokes restlessness and you feel you have to respond because it is threatening and insulting  the ego.
Negativity arises making no sense and you feel like you have to bring out all present and pass negative experiences whether relevant to the situation or not.
Growl, the pitch goes out of control, much louder.
Exit doors of brain open so fast, letting all intellect run out.  You totally forget that you find such behaviour averse in others and do not advocate at all.
Recklessness is not part of you yet it comes out

Anger does not stop at the above things.  It disturbs the hormonal system, it makes your normally good looking face look quiet ugly. the shouting distances you further apart from the targetted person. It may feel good at the moment but leaves a very sour taste in the mouth. You feel restless inside and outside. The whole physical system, including all organs get a shock and miss their next process or  function and skip, causing havoc in your heart, digestive and mental system.  All parts of your body  suffer causing tension, tightening,  fibers and ligaments causing inflammation.  The digestive system gets thrown out of its normal path. Body becomes acidic .
By getting angry often, you are inviting, heart disease, digestive problems, bowl problems, memory loss and different types of cancers.

It is so scary. We all get angry but we do not think about the consequences. There is no such thing as angry for a moment, anger does not take sympathy on us.  It will cause all that havoc, accumulate and get the payment from us later. There is no pardon for anger.  It goes against the grain of our Creator's virtues of LOVE,  COMPASSION and ONENESS.
Think of this article before you get angry next time, mostly for your own sake!


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