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Did You Ever Meet The Author Of Your Life

Curiosity being human nature we always want to know Why, How and Who and When about other's life. Have we ever asked these questions to ourselves and if we did, do we ever wait for the answers. it seems that we are afraid of ourself way more then others.  We do not wait long enough fearing, we might hear the truth about ourself.
If we do have a problem we ask others, pretending that we are talking about someone else. We are afraid to face the weaknessess we have.
Deep within, we know what we are today is the result of our past input but, we escape  from this responsibility by saying, this is all God's doing or our tough luck.
Life would be so much easier if we come to terms with, that, God created us, but we with our thoughts and deeds created our present life. People come into our life as per deed of ours and at the right time in our journey.
Our heart according to its experirnces make the decision how it wants to like that person. Just like or falling in love happens here.
Next comes or personality, our understanding of life. our value system, our physical and emotional behaviour which is the ultmate deciding element as to how long that person is allowed to stay in our life.
Thus we write the story of our life. To make life better we need to revise the foundation of the story often.

The following quote from sums it up very beautifully ;-

Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behaviour decides who stays in your life.


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