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Right or Wrong Choice of Mind

Good or bad is intrinsic value of everything, every emotion, every action and thought meeting at a certain point.
Mind's duty is to recognise this point for it is a slippery slope from Right to Wrong.  Once over Right, it is point of no return. This choice is the one that makes life heaven or hell.  Once the Right point is crossed it is a done deal. the crime is committed and recorded and whether caught or not punishment is inevitable.  if one escapes the law self and Nature will not let you off the hook sooner or later one has to pay.  There is no escape !

An example of quick action reaction is of a car driven within speed limit , eyes open , mind alert gives a blissful ride.  ignore these and there is good possibility of even a death sentence.

A slow action example is of physical fitness. Up to a point fitness brings energy, health, revitalisation and independence, but beyond that limit it can tax the body itself, by wanting to do it to such extreme, making one anorexic.
Awareness of both Right and Wrong is a big blessing!


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