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My Spiritual realationships with My Four Corneal Transplant Donors

If you are new to this blog then you might want to know that on September 14th 2015,  I had corneal transplant, a gift of vision was given to me for my blind eye by an anonymous person who died and left a preregistered wish to donate. Or, a family with a magnanimous heart, lost a dear one but, had the strength to overlook their grief at the time and made arrangements so that eight recipients like me, in need of organs and tissues could have transplants within hours of the deceased.
I am eternally grateful to them for this kindness of theirs. As a result of this transplant I have some vision already and will know the rest when the sutures come out in a years time by September, 2016. It is a long healing period, painful and uneasy for a whole year but this pain is so minuscule compared to the loss of my donor's family.
Cornea is the front part of the eye through which the images go inside enabling one to see.
I had to go through the fourth transplant because the previous times the virus attacked the corneas and was rejected after working for a short time.
After each transplant I noticed my outlook towards life changed somewhat. If you believe in science then you can say that the cells have memory and quite possible to have these changes. I am not an expert in that field so I will not go into it. 
I believe in the wisdom of The Wise Masters of our planet, that all life is created by The Unknown, Mighty Creator, who is unlimited, formless, invisible  and exists in all  living beings during their life time. 
 These Donors have helped make somethings very clearer for  me that all beings are related by humanity. Forget the races, and geography of this world. One has no idea where, when and how these spiritual relationships evolve but as a recipient I understand the oneness through humanity much better.  I have no idea of the whereabouts of these generous souls except one ( for more about this read my  previous posts on my donor).  I do believe it is about owing and taking in the worldly sense and that exchange has taken place with me with these four souls and their families. The donors and their families are always in my prayers.
 I come from a small family but now I feel my family has grown even though most of the new members are unknown to me.

These Donors and their Families have thrown more light, given more proof to me and strengthened, my existing belief that looking out for other beings and helping them in life and after life is what is required of us beings, and it is called humanity.  It can only be done when we have respect for all living things and see the oneness in each other.  It has displayed that anyone can give and to anybody and anywhere, at any distance if you have the heart to do so.
Such humanism inspires me to see others as me. Just like a mother looks at her child and simply feels no difference between her and the child.
  It is an experience hard to describe but worth bearing all that pain of the needle pricking every time a suture was put into your eye.. Local anesthesia drops do not numb the pain of sharp needles and there are many sutures!  Still nothing, when you compare it with to the generosity of these donors and their families.
May These Souls Rest In PEACE.


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