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Misunderstanding Anger Taxes Relationships and quality of Life

We believe that others make us angry and and they are totally responsible for it.  Most of us live with this notion all our lives.  it was very easy to blame them and feel good about oneself.  Some realise this and try hard to speak the truth, try not to hurt others but people can still have this power to upset them.
Something does not seem right. Why would our Creator want us to be unhappy!  This does not make sense!

We make the statement that, " I am getting upset. " How do we know? The obvious answer is I am feeling it in my whole body. If you are feeling it coming, and know that it is very harmful  for the physical and mental body then you should let it out of your body as soon as you feel the urge.  God has made our body such that all waste has to be eliminated but we cannot do so with anger because it is not a physical or concrete thing.  It is taking place in the mind. The method of elimination will have to be different.
Not to react could be easy,  but we are so used to responding that it is very hard.  If we do not vocalise it we still stew inside and it has all the negative effects on our whole being system.
Go back to your childhood and hear your parents voice, " Think before you speak. " The experts are also saying the same thing today.  Those parents were geniuses!  They knew all answers ! When we think before we speak, we save ourselves from the serpent anger and also from making a wrong karma.
The second or two we think of the anger tango bout that would be created, we realise that it is not worthy of our peace. The other thing is that, that particular time also makes you think, where is this person coming from.  May be he is upset with something else and I happen to cut his path and am being targeted. May be this person is under stress. May be he is need of compassion but does not know how to ask.  I should not combat with him.
This period where one disengages from ego, we are able to feel and hear the soul, inner energy. It tells us how it feels, it says, "Stop yourself from creating anger, save your peace at this moment and try and give compassion instead. "
There is a Punjabi saying, 'ik chup saw sukh' which translates as a moment of silence can bring hundreds of blessings."
This gap of second or two of just watching in silence, without engaging a Midas touch !


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