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Universe or I

One and I the integral part of a Being

Last year at this time I wrote about this topic but lately, had some more thoughts about it.

One created us in his own miniature image and along with an ego,    ' I ' as a part of our being. We were put on earth for a limited time to explore and then return home. 

So far, from experience, observation, and various scriptures I have come to the conclusion that the challenge is to coexist with One and I, within us at the same time. 
One is about all, the Universe and I is concerned only, about me and mine.
The journey is difficult but according to Eastern Masters (they are the ones I am more familiar with) is to teach the I, the mind, about the One Creator. 
This is the true purpose of life.  The mind is on an egoistic journey and our purpose is to remind it of the One, The Creator with love, patience, and countless times, in such a way that it follows us on our life journey instead of us following it and getting lost in the materialistic world.
This is what helps me to bring more peace and harmony in the journey of life.


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