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 Karma theory as I understand.

What we sow we reap is true for everyone. It is carried over from previous and added to present deeds.
You can give things but never change somebody's life dues.   Even the richest parent cannot take away their child's emotional or internal pain or change their course of life.
The person alone can change himself to better which can be considered for the pardon. Which is already a built-in clause in the theory.

You can share your experience only if the other person is willing. If it is a baby, one can't even do that. That explains why some babies are so cheerful whereas others are very serious.
No two people or experiences are totally alike.  We are genetically different!

The only thing that can soften the blow is blessings and prayers, individual or collective.
Hence stop worrying about things beyond your control.  Be compassionate, patient and positive from within abundantly which does not require so much physical attention because thought travels fastest and instantly.
There is nothing good or bad but, unfortunate when one thinks this way.


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