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Why is meditation so tough!

Why is meditation so tough!
 You are supposed to focus on the Creator that you have never seen.
One can feel and recall parental love even when they are no more.
Maybe because we cannot visualize 'The One'
Heard from the wise elders that some things do not have proof. You get your own proof by connecting the dots.
There is an explanation which I have heard over the years and that makes sense to me.

The Creator created the world, with laws of action and reaction. Gave us the thought power to design our faith. Our life is our own and it is up to us how we design it.

Analyzing this makes one think. What kind of people touch our heart.
I would say, who are honest, truthful, loving and giving.
 Such people have such a nice, peaceful aura around them. One feels so good in their company and wonders, 'what a beautiful soul they are. '
Guru Nanak preached that we beings are made in Creator's own image.
 If the sample is so good one cannot begin to imagine the Creatures virtues.
So there, dots are connected.
Regular, sincere Gratitude for all the people and things around us makes one focus on The Creator. The more you become appreciative the more you can focus. This thinking process creates good hormones, feelings, energy, and health.


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