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Giving advice the right way.....

Everyone wants that people should listen to them. We deliver advice, saying it is in good faith.
How cheeky of us because we do get upset when it is not accepted. We should not be upset if it did not come from ego.
How can we protect ourselves from such hurt?
How much do we change, like really change for others? Is everybody else not in the similar boat!
We need to take personal inventory before expecting others to listen to our words.
We must think before we say something. Verbal diarrhea does not get attention.
Give advice when asked. If as a parent you have to give as a duty than show it as your experience that you went through. Do not expect others to follow.
Such scenario keeps everybody's respect intact and people actually think about your words.
The moral is, say it to yourself before you deliver to others. Check it out it helps.


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