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my jury duty xperience

Most people are not happy to see jury duty summons and so was I, but then I thought, this is a duty call and I owe it to give back, so I went with an open mind.
There were hundreds of people and selection was going to take days..... people were very quiet, busy with their texting or whatever....  this could be boring I thought.  I said that to the lady beside me and the one from the row before us turned around and voiced her opinion and few more joined voicing their opinions. 
Generally, people did not want to be there for various reasons. 

Why is it that people feel that way.  The general reason was people did not want to decide someone else's fate. It is understandable.
My understanding of the jury system is that it was set to look at the opinion of those people who have nothing to do with the law.  It is to make sure all concerned are dealt fairly.  
What if our loved one was on the stand.  Wouldn't we want fairness? It makes sense.  
We should think and go for this duty if feasible.

 I met some beautiful souls. The first couple of days we were the only ones having fun despite long waits. People thought we knew each other. 
We started as strangers but we left planning to have lunches and even short holiday together sometime.

Jury duty is a chance to give. It makes one think of different scenarios. Makes one look at others for a change.  It changes how you look at things.  Not everything can be black or white. There is a grey shade too!  Take a step away and look at things. Don't rush to pass judgement. See the whole picture.

Thank you jury friends, it was an enriching, fun-filled experience because of you all.


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