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Weight loss and natural thought an action

Health and beauty is the dream of young and old alike.  Probably the only commonality left. It is very hard for most of us to loose for we have given our mind free license to do as it wishes.
 We gain weight because we are not tuned in to eating. We eat on the go for we are short of time. You are asking your stomach to do a job that it is not equipped to do. In rush you literally swallowed your food in huge pieces.   Can you  build a house if you are have no clue and equipment to do that job.  Every time you are not paying attention to your eating this is what you are demanding, unfairly of your stomach.  Or you are so tense and uptight that along with huge pieces of food you are holding the stomach tight from all sided and then telling it to work. How brutal are we and then we want to look healthy and beautiful, handsome all the time! These and few more are the reasons, we gain weight, which in turn upsets us, makes us unhappy for we always want to look near perfect.
Be with your food, pay attention to it, use the right equipment for the right purpose and loose excess weight and look nice.
The mouth is equipped with teeth to grind the food until it is pasty. Let the digestion start here. People who chew their food right never gain weight for the chewing fills the stomach and one is not hungry. I know we have to check our messages, and be polite to others at the table! This is the time to connect, and all that.

How do I do it. I present the food to myself and start with the thought, how lucky I am to have this food in front of me! I thank God for giving me the ability to feed myself. As I am chewing my food, I thank all those people, may be hundreds, whose combined efforts hard work has put this food in front of me.  Yes, money can buy anything but if there is no food can you eat the coins and paper money!

All this thinking creates peaceful atmosphere and right digestion and no overeating at all.  At least one meal can be given this due respect. Watch an animal eat their food, they hate to be disturbed.
Within a week your stomach will get used to eating to satisfaction and you will start losing weight.  If you can add some body weight exercises and along with walking you will see changes that bring beautiful skin and peaceful mind. Remember the saying," Chew your food thirty two times before swallowing. "  This is what that means to me.  Very simple and doable.


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