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Life without 1 is valued at zero. 1 far from zeroes 000000

Zero is nothing in life. Life is full of lots of valueless nothings. We look at a person who has achieved success in carrier, relationships of life and envy him/her for he looks calm, success and at peace. What is his secret ?  Perhaps lots of inheritance and good luck.  We sigh!  Wishing, we were lucky like him too.
In reality, his secret is that he has figured out to put nothing, the zeroes, together with one with hundred percent focus to create value. He fashions all spheres of his life in this way.  Inherited money does help but dwindles to zero in no time without the secret.
 Adding value to zeros around you brings the inspiration and awareness of ONE, the belief, in the primary force of life. The persistence and complete focusing transforms to makes millions in the monetary sense or in awareness of opportunities which start appearing when zeroes sit with ONE.
Sometime I notice, especially with the younger generation especially with less experience even, a small sincere compliment, adds so much value to their self esteem.  Years later they come up to you to tell that, your words were instrumental in adding value to their life.
It is a hard task but focusing hundred percent and accepting hurdles as a call to focus even more, is the name of the game of life. It boils down to creating with all the might and focus and persistence to move on.  Those who do it, know the power of creating Value from nothing.  They add Value to zeroes in their life and of others who especially seem vulnerable .  They enjoy bliss themselves and shower on others too.


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