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Anger And Weight Loss Relationship

Our body weight is dependent on the food we consume.  The amount of food we consume depends on our emotional state. I am considering the effect of anger on our body.
When we are angry we are unbalanced, for our mind is upset, brewing with all kinds of retaliation schemes to get even for, we cannot accept that another person should get away by hurting our EGO.
We care for this ego far more then anything else in our life.  Sometimes we are willing to stake the whole life for a single word that insulted our Ego.
In the unbalanced state our digestive system slows down drastically for body is so tense that all the necessary ingredients to digest the food are unable to flow in this tense state. The blood flow is rationed for all the energy is needed to for the vital organs of the body.
Some people just keep eating when they are angry for it is an easier thing to do and hence they put on extra weight.
 Getting angry is like a fashion thing to display power over others. People think it is their birth right to get upset with others.  People are heard saying they have the right to get angry because the other person made them them get angry. In other words the other person gave them anger.
Anger is not a thing that can be given since it is not a physical thing nor an infectious bug that can be caught. Anger cannot be created by someone else in your body. People often say, "keep that up and I will get so mad that you will be sorry." Hello! It is not a call of nature of your body that is coming and you cannot stop. It is not the function of an organ.
It is a response that your mind is creating.  It is a learnt habit to get others to do what you desire. Stop it for it is creating that extra weight now and later on it invites all kinds of disease. This awareness is great for your looks, relationships, heath and peaceful life.


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