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Showing posts from 2019

Looking for peace in the coming year!

Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings

present yourself the gift of truthful living

life and breadth connection

Useing Core For Gratitude

Your Life Can Be As Peaceful As You Want

our expectations

Dealing with worries

Life Journey

True Living

life is a gift, handle with care

Help The Depressed

Going Beyond

you have the control

Story of us humans

Life feels fulfilled on giving not taking Disappointments increase on every taking All disappointments in life are due to others  This is the story of most living beings. We love independence yet we expect others to give  Why are we like that!  A tree never refuses shade or fruit to selective people. It gives to all. Giving is our innate Nature yet we humans ration it and not think of it at all By asking, we declare I am incomplete. But others can never fulfil this need  This need keeps,growing.  There is no end to this feed Very, very hard but, a human fills only on giving. This is our natural true feed Give unconditionally  without expecting. It fulfills, it is our most natural deed indeed!

look at yourself

Mind Control

change is helpful

wisdom vs noise

right label matters

Poise is Peaceful

Compassion for others invites Peace Within

Real Happiness

The Miraculous Body Of Ours!

Feelings Travel

Think twice before you say something' has been the sermon of the parent's all along. Why? Because, Your vibration travels and reaches the other person before you say something and prepares them to react, already.   2. Feelings, create emotions, emotions create thoughts           which create action.      3. And if not resolved in this life it tends to follow you.          Then, we wander, I don't even    know the person and yet           he/she is always trying to tangle with me!

Father's Day

Truly Living Life

There is joy in each moment of life

A simpler way to pray with one word any time anywhere

Watch Present, Change Future

Overcoming Negativity

Happy Mother's Day

The Choice to reduce Lonliness

Our Biggest Question?

Your need to live life not search

          THE   HUMAN SEARCH The answer to all human problems is within you  It  unveils on dropping the cloak of pretence in you  One pretends to search outside afraid, of facing the truth, in one Showing the world your search for the truth is ongoing, not yet done! The pretence is causing the loneliness, you sense even in a crowd Depression sets, yet, the search continues, for pride continues to be loud Us beings, can accept our faults and shortcomings to stop the silly pride  Thanking for human birth, amongst all species, look in, God guides our ride!

Love, a natural art

LOVE IS AN ART It makes the receiver feel so good that it touches their heart. It states and lifts other high enough that, they connect with their soul. It will not and cannot hurt. It will elate not degrade in any sense. It will enhance you externally and increase your self respect. Ultimately it will show you The Divine in yourself and others. It will not ask favours from you but honour you in the truest sense. It will leave an everlasting effect with you which will continue to energize you timelessly. It brings out the best in you in purest form. It enhances your virtues and your inner and outer beauty endlessly. It is given to you for a moment sometimes but stay with you for ages. It is pure, featherlike, you will not find words to describe it but just feel it. It has no direction, time, moment. You just know it's pureness when you receive it. Sometimes you will not recognize it at the time of delivery but, much later. Angel like are these ...

truth blossoms with honesty

Two True Gems of Human Life

2 TRUE GEMS of HUMAN LIFE Breath  is your pillar or pole Without it you lose your soul Trust is the power, given to humans to empower life Breaking it to impress others, humans cuts  trust, with knife Which is never the same again no matter how hard they strive Honour your trust like breath, These POWERS are the gems of LIFE

Life Energy

how do we fix life for better

Every Being  wonders, why is life the way it is!  They try to fix it but things do not seem to work! These questions have been there for almost everybody. What was the plan of The Creator! After decades I have come to an understanding that choice is ours.  Things happen when we pay attention that, The Creator shaped the world in pairs of opposites of everything and our choice is to pick one that shapes our destiny. Why is it that, we do not pick a favorable choice! We do, but sometimes this accounts business of previous Karmas gets us and we have to make the payment in spite of a favorable choice. Living every moment consciously in the present and letting go seems to be the only solution thus far. Nature does that. The Vegetation follows and accepts the changes in Fall and bounces back every Spring. It lets go and welcomes Spring. We Beings can also spring back after, every fall if, we let go, but, not in anger or irritation but w...

look inside your eye

Nature and God

The Best Competition

Link between mouth, ears and mind

Life as I understand

inviting peace

a huge fact of life

Our Comfort

In Nothing We Find Everything

What Does Pretence get us

Depression does not excuse anyone We all go through it some more others less, it touches everyone. Where does it come from. People's words and actions stimulate it. Circumstances in life, sickness, loneliness, jealousy tend to activate it. Our own weakness, fear, dependency makes it hard to respond to it It is hard to explain for it is a hurt that others cannot understand when you explain it This does not include those chemically affected internally or born with it For all others I pray, that you must understand, our own thoughts drown us in it Talk to a friend or even a stranger it helps otherwise you will drown in it Go out, watch others they all had it or have it. You can do it too. Smile and pass by it If you are reading this, you might know about it. Smile at a sad face passing by, give this gift! If it is a friend, listen to their tale. Sometimes it takes, only that to help another to overcome it!

Capturing a True Image

Experience speaks for itself

True Living

10 Benefits of Gratitude Living

ONENESS feels like this

Smoother Life

Understanding A Mother