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Love, a natural art

It makes the receiver feel so good that it touches their heart.
It states and lifts other high enough that, they connect with their soul.

It will not and cannot hurt. It will elate not degrade in any sense.
It will enhance you externally and increase your self respect.
Ultimately it will show you The Divine in yourself and others.

It will not ask favours from you but honour you in the truest sense.
It will leave an everlasting effect with you which will continue to energize you timelessly.
It brings out the best in you in purest form.
It enhances your virtues and your inner and outer beauty endlessly.

It is given to you for a moment sometimes but stay with you for ages.
It is pure, featherlike, you will not find words to describe it but just feel it.
It has no direction, time, moment. You just know it's pureness when you receive it.

Sometimes you will not recognize it at the time of delivery but, much later.
Angel like are these people who in a whiz of a moment shower this art on you.
They are the teachers, in the true sense for they do not charge you any kind of tax.
These can be the people around you or a stranger in passing who said it all in a passing glance 
or in words that stay with you.
The art of love is invisible, painted with colours so beautiful visible only on delivery.
And each time your memory unfolds they feel and look more beautiful!


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