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Depression does not excuse anyone
We all go through it some more others less, it touches everyone.

Where does it come from. People's words and actions stimulate it.
Circumstances in life, sickness, loneliness, jealousy tend to activate it.

Our own weakness, fear, dependency makes it hard to respond to it
It is hard to explain for it is a hurt that others cannot understand when you explain it

This does not include those chemically affected internally or born with it
For all others I pray, that you must understand, our own thoughts drown us in it

Talk to a friend or even a stranger it helps otherwise you will drown in it
Go out, watch others they all had it or have it. You can do it too. Smile and pass by it

If you are reading this, you might know about it. Smile at a sad face passing by, give this gift!

If it is a friend, listen to their tale. Sometimes it takes, only that to help another to overcome it!


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