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how do we fix life for better

Every Being wonders, why is life the way it is!  They try to fix it but things do not seem to work!
These questions have been there for almost everybody.
What was the plan of The Creator!
After decades I have come to an understanding that choice is ours.  Things happen when we pay attention that, The Creator shaped the world in pairs of opposites of everything and our choice is to pick one that shapes our destiny.
Why is it that, we do not pick a favorable choice! We do, but sometimes this accounts business of previous Karmas gets us and we have to make the payment in spite of a favorable choice.
Living every moment consciously in the present and letting go seems to be the only solution thus far.

Nature does that. The Vegetation follows and accepts the changes in Fall and bounces back every Spring. It lets go and welcomes Spring. We Beings can also spring back after, every fall if, we let go, but, not in anger or irritation but with blessings for the irritants. 
 Human Life is too precious given to a handful. Let's not waste it. Make some true friends who can pick us up to assist in this journey when we fall.


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