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The art of conversation

The art of conversation is wearing off. Most people do not want to listen what other is saying. We are all guilty of putting in our two sense as soon as a person starts to speak.
Somewhere along the line we lost that, conversation is not to be turned into a personal agenda by either party.
 Conversation is information without accusation.  Our opinions can be different, after all two individuals relate to their own experiences.
Only a clean , neutral intent can allow a healthy conversation.
Modern technology with all its goodness has contributed to the downfall of conversation with the shortening of all words in texting and messages People would rather text then converse.
That human aspect is decreasing, the daily dose of human touch and tone of caring. Modern technology has cut the distances of countries but increased distances within family

If the other is treated as an equal soul, we can bring our self to listen to them expressing their opinion without making it into a contradiction.


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