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Remembering My Donor For The Gift of Sight

A beautiful soul a year ago today, passed away and left me a generous gift of sight. I can see almost 80 % !
I see the world better today, because of you! Thank you and your family who did remember in the midst of  their deepest sorrow, grief  and pain to let the doctors take the gifts from your body to be delivered in time to eight recipients waiting, including me. Even though your soul had left the body, most people would want to be with the body as long as possible but they were so generous even  in their sorrow. They send you away so that the doctors could harvest all the gifts in time, to be delivered to different hospitals.
My heart is breaking as I write this a year after your death. I wander how they coped with it then! What must have they gone through then !!!!  Thanking you billion times even is not enough for your generosity. God bless you all.
You mean a lot more than the sight.  You have become my caretaker friend in sorrow. On an off day I simply have to stop being sad when I see my reflection. It is like a conversation between you and me, an energy exchange. You give me encouragement to getup on slow days and take care of the eye by putting eye drops on time, sleep when the eye gets tired, to be grateful for the better days.
They say every thing happens for a reason. Sometimes I wonder if this was written in the destiny. We had to meet. We had to see the world from a different prospect. Maybe it  is about owing and giving. What ever the mystery, you make my present beautiful. I was not not crazy about nature before but since I see better, I love nature. I never could take a picture, now I take so many in a day of the sky and clouds. 

If interested in my previous blogs of tribute last year, here are the links

Tribute To Donor

Tribute To Donor Continued


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