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body changes, habits and fears are carried on .....

As a kid I heard, " babies are physically tiny but they are old souls" decades later It is making sense.
 We often judge the new baby's reactions to some people.
Why?  Because, beings are not bodies but souls !
Now when I see a parent frustrated with the baby 's reaction I think, this baby just remembered an old unpleasant memory and is reliving it. This applies to people of all ages.
The life journey is new but old pain is still there.
 We just have to remind the mind it to have compassion for the hurting soul. Young or old we are souls. The mind is always listening.   We can send blessings in the form of prayers.
Doing so does not come easy for most because, we have our own personality to deal with but Compassion for others wakes us up. Try it . 

It reminds us we all are one, we have the same energy, THE ONE.
Refusing to acknowledging this, our journey of life  moves but without much peace in it.
Tiny steps, repeated often become habit and the journey is the time to form habits that make it pleasant. It is in our hands to make it pleasant for us and other!


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