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True Giving In Life

Peace in life occurs naturally
When invisible giving 
 overtakes visible giving naturally

Nature of giving is such that it gives one an indescribable satisfaction when it stems from the core of our being. There is no agenda, no hidden purpose, just plain giving out of compassion. Rich or poor can give without incurring any cost. Giving comes naturally to beings. A tiny baby's smile to you is an act of giving. An animal jumping up and down, trying to grab your attention with vigorously wagging tail is also an act giving HAPPINESS.
We put conditions on our giving as we progress in life but authentic giving surpasses all other givings.
Giving love, forgiveness, prayers for others who are victims of their own wrath, misunderstandings, ego, selfishness, material possessions is needed the most in today's world. All are susceptible to such weaknesses and are fallible.
  •   It is a thought for we never know when, we might need such invisible gift from someone. In today's world such symptons are called Depression.
  • We beings are naturally provided by internal radars but our busy lifestyle, ego, competitive nature interfere and we simply do not see or choose to ignore.
The more we give invisibly the more we understand the mysteries of life and enjoy freedom, happiness, contentment and peacefulness.

  • It starts with us and now is the only time when it can happen and the only thing that comes with guarantee and pure deep felt joy within.


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