Year end is approaching fast, and lots of people feel that they have not achieved much. It is normal to have this thought. Do you think about it too. Do you think, " Have I really lived this year! "
Did you truly -
L - let go
O - off
V - vicious
E - energy from your mind or body, even a tiny bit ! Did you see a change for better ! How do you feel about yourself physically, mentally and soul wise at this moment. Are you better or worse off from the beginning of the year. More peaceful, content or more shattered, unfocused and unsure of your standing in life than before.
These are the questions I ask myself looking in the mirror and they help me start the year with a somewhat lighter heart. I do this because -
I like to start my new year without resolutions weighing me down. I feel, life should be lived as freely as we can. This thought with these questions and the exercise are able to lighten the load somewhat.
Doing this in early in December, still gives me time to practice letting go of lot of things that I have no control over and allows me to focus on what I am able to change.
Did you truly -
L - let go
O - off
V - vicious
E - energy from your mind or body, even a tiny bit ! Did you see a change for better ! How do you feel about yourself physically, mentally and soul wise at this moment. Are you better or worse off from the beginning of the year. More peaceful, content or more shattered, unfocused and unsure of your standing in life than before.
These are the questions I ask myself looking in the mirror and they help me start the year with a somewhat lighter heart. I do this because -
I like to start my new year without resolutions weighing me down. I feel, life should be lived as freely as we can. This thought with these questions and the exercise are able to lighten the load somewhat.
Doing this in early in December, still gives me time to practice letting go of lot of things that I have no control over and allows me to focus on what I am able to change.
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