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Life of Lesser Stress and Limitation

Feel limited look up at the sky, it is unlimited. So are you. Give yourself the freedom to float, move, thank, love, serve, forgive, help, feel beautiful inside an out.  Discover your natural freedom, energy and peace.
Limitation is a self created cage. Fly out of it, release the need to control people and situation. Throw jealousy and low self esteem out. Give yourself permission to feel the presence of life right now.
The ONE who saved you from the acidic fiery heat, noises, bugs, viruses and stinks in the womb is waiting to shower you with unlimited peace and joy right in the world you know. Be that innocent, loving giving child, once again ! Just allow Him. Let yourself loose and hold on to The Ruler of the Universe within.
All Material possession, desire and fame is transitory.
It feels great and is needed to live but once you have them they want to grow beyond your imagination and you become their slave. Bound by their chains,  one weakens and turns vulnerable. They are like beautiful colours in the sky, appear momentarily and then disappear, leaving one empty and alone!  Material possession  give one the sense of royalness but sooner or later it also makes one feel like a lonely poor pauper  living in a Golden Cage. 
 Fly away! It is your decision !


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