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Showing posts from December, 2018

New Year Wishes

Simple way to enrich life

             End of Year is approaching, and one thinks what progress has been made in Life!

Merry Christmas

A workable choice we can make

Oneness is a feeling

Far Better Life

Mind, Body or Soul

These Holidays Give This

We can read, great stuff, all we want. It does not do us any good.  Until we are able to employ and use it for the betterment of our lives and of  those around us.  The greatest challenge of life is to be happy and give happiness to those around us. Time is now to fix things for the future.  Otherwise, we will be just as dissatisfied about our  life as our parents and their parents were.  Feeling empty towards the later part of life! Even their eyes  seemed so unlit!  Look into the eyes of people. Your company, even a few moments of undivided attention can do wonders! Human being seeks other being's pleasant company, not their gifts and money. Brighten someone's day.


You and The Universe are glued together

Disappointments directly relate to EXPECTATIONS

Disappointments in life are due to expectations! We seem to think that expectations are our right. If our present life is the result of our previous life karma then expectation do not seem to be  right.  Even if you do not believe in Karma theory, expectation seems to be an open invitation to disappointments.  Life changes amazingly when you let go of expectations. I was going through some physical pain consistently. The pain left me exhausted and I needed help often. Soon I realized that waiting to be waited upon causes irritation.  I expected because I do for others. This was my ego speaking!  Once I realized this, I got up and helped myself as much as I could. It was an effort but the empowering thought  was, it is for my own good, physically, emotionally, for the atmosphere around and keeps the karmic account positive. Try it today as experiment.  Go about your life dealing with someone without a single expectation. Be it spouse, childr...