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Small task that gives the sense of luxury

Did you have the luxury of making your bed today?
You will have the luxury of sleeping well at the end of the day
This is nothing new, we were taught as children to do it each day
Starting a day with a task done is psychologically a big booster for the rest of the day.
It is a big assurance that at the end of the day you will be lulled into sleep on a smooth bed.
The thought that you started with a task done and God willing you might end the day well too.

A  minor thought but think of the days when your day was rough and preparing for bedtime your thoughts go, " I wish I could just plunk myself and go to sleep." You look at your bed and it is all wrinkled up and you really do not have the desired the energy to even plump up your pillows. Life throws in such days!
Life feels good with a little luxury. It is an automatic booster for the rest of the day.
You feel you are an independent person, with the ABILITY to do small tasks for yourself.


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