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Getting one with the our Inner Self

The branch looses it's strength as it ventures away from the main root.
We also loose our strength as we move into the world away from our Creator. 
Only that geting full attention gets the results. Proof is visible when we study with full attention, we do get the true result.
We can get stronger by giving full attention to our weak points until they regain their strength. 

 Even after, we have to have a timetable to give, regular periodic attention to maintain them .

This is called balance and none can survive without that.  Such is the story of our body, our brain and our life. 
3 points to truly connect with the Creator.

1) The road to this achievement through humility, arising from the roots -  depths of our heart.

2) Forgiveness branching out to reach all in all directions from the main trunk with every cell.
 3)True  Sweetness in our words - fruits. 


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