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Understanding death

Eastern understanding of death
What all dies at death.
All emotions- anger, lust, die, the beauty dies, the physical strength dies, the organs die, all relationships die, the spark of the eyes die but the accounts of the good and bad deed does not die. 
Those are engraved in the soul which is formless and is housed in our physical body.  
This data is stored in the Creator's cloud storage. Which is retrieved and put into the next body that we wear.
This goes on to multiple lives until the account balance reaches zero.

The lesson for us beings is to realise this and take care of the physical body.  It is the present gift, but we also must work on thoughts and acts so that they glitter with gratitude and are catered towards serving Universe in Goodness and Oneness for this life and the next. The accounts are carried over. That solves the mystery of 'why do bad things happen to good people. '
It is a philosophy that gives us good life now and a chance to have a good one again if we  happen to come back again.


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