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Showing posts from April, 2018

should we lose out to fear

why and how to listen to the inner voice

sad but true

Thought has intrinsic power

Our major obstacle

What stops us from living a fulfilling life ?                          OUR EGO Ego stops from progressing wide Ego gives us a  false sense of pride Riding on it we usually slip and slide And then there is no place ever to hide Seek, THE POWER that lights you to arise Once that sits in your heart, life turns into a prize You will be compassionate, all are paying the price You will then on just serve humanity, it simply is nice

your search

paint your precious moments in mind

Seeing The ONE In Other


Relationship with Higher Self

Being you are Powerful

command all situations in seconds

Bring peace through breath awareness. Think about your feet on ground right now. Take in a breath through the sole of your feet. Let it out through your soul but quite slowly. Do this a few times and the tension, irritation, anger, anxiety reduce drastically by the third breath. Do it anytime and rejuvenate in seconds

Logic to stop judging and start living

Breath is the sign of living We can 't order it or go shopping  It comes when we emerge as a being We see none that can offer this to a passed being It happens, it is beyond comprehension of a living being This realization stops one from criticizing another being It is One Miracle that is an integral part of all those living We die instantly without this miracle, it makes us a being A breathing being is the live vision of Supreme,  it is not for kicking Wise advised, show thanks each day for harmony  and peaceful living Your breath is a string of precious pearls, love gratefully  as it is rolling

patience is peace

life teaches me everyday

An Eye Opening Experience. Today, I happened to watch a beam of sunlight coming inside the house. Being a nature curious person I followed the path of the beam from a distance.  This beam of light had dust in it. How is that possible I said, because I cleaned house the day before. Such is life. We do not see our faults unless we shine some light on them and view from a distance.  Every moment we make dust too.  Our skin, hair sheds at all times.  Our dust is so small that it is not visible to us.  There are certain natural habits or things we do that probably bother people.  We do not know of them because, we do not stand away from us and watch them.   Watch a video of yourself taken while you were unaware of being videoed.  You will be surprised!