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Life has it's reasons

Today's hurt has unknown reasons
Which shows up  in much later seasons...

This is true with life each day. Here Is my reason experience...
Some weeks ago, I found out that I lost my sight again in the eye, the one that had transplant. 
For few hours sadness set in.  I kept thinking about it. 
There was much more to this sadness! This sadness was very different than the one I felt from the one twenty plus years ago when, I was told, I have lost vision in one eye. 

I felt like, I had betrayed my four donors who gifted me their corneas after they passed away. I kind of felt, I also have let down their families.
The eye was hurting but my heart was hurting a lot more.

It took a couple of days to remind myself, life moves on. People around the world have much more serious problems.  I have to let go and move on. The doctors did their best so, move on!

As this thought gained momentum, a voice inside me also became louder. It kept saying, "you have to hope as long as you are breathing. You believe this body can rejuvenate! You cannot go against your own belief that, as long as there is breath in you, you have the company of the Highest Power! "

I heard my persistent inner voice. I am  back on track, looking for ways...
I am looking into different  exercises which have come to my attention. It is like a whole new sphere has opened up which, needs to be given a chance. 
Even if nothing comes of it at least I will have the satisfaction of having given my utmost.  


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