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Judging others harms us more then the person we judge.

How do I stop judging because each time I judge it leaves me feeling terrible.
Paying attention to the thought and analyse what I am about to say does help. But, then I thought, I am still judging and it leaves a bad taste and feeling.
I meditated on it and came to the conclusion that judgement is mostly negative and it can only hurt me and others.
I decided that the only way to stop it is by totally stop judging. The question arises, how?
 I have come to the conclusion that it is not my place to judge.

1) I do not know what is going on in the mind of the people I tend to judge. I do not know what lead them to their present behaviour.
It is best for me to admit that I am not required to judge because I am neither a Judge nor am I sitting in a  jury. JUST LET GO!

My judgement can cause unnecessary  karma for me and tension and bad feeling for the recipient.

So I will stop it from now onwards and refuse to comment internally or externally. It might take some time but I have decided to give this thought a chance, to better myself.


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