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we collect blessings or curses

Every being is collecting blessings or curses every second of a day.
These collections affect his family and his continent in a big way.
Yesterday I was at the Niagara Falls and witnessed both, the entire day. 
People were using public facilities and collecting them in a big way. 
As I stood in a line I witnessed the reactions of people as they entered the booths and left them.  Those who got a dry and clean booth came out in a good mood. Their energy was good. 
Those who got a wet or filthy booth came out with the disgusting face and looked at all the other people of similar race as the previous user.  Some were very vocal about it. 
We know every thought silent or spoken reaches the person known or unknown as energy vibes. 
Then there was another incidence where a family sat on the benches in a park to rest their feet
.  As the rest of the family sat down their young teenage daughter picked up some garbage on the ground and took it to the garbage bins.  My husband remarked what a nice kid. I agreed and said credit goes to her parents who are raising her to be a good citizen. 
At that moment I realized this how we collect credits or discredits for our self, our families, our country, our race and continent.
My lesson was, be mindful of all moments for you are responsible at any given moment for much more than yourself. Whether you care or not your attitude affects countless others. If I want something good I need to contribute goodness first in the way I live.


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