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Emotional Blockage

Ego, loneliness, sickness, and desperateness have one thing in common.
 That one thing I find is emotional constipation, congestion or blockage.
Whatever one might want to name, it is very painful and it isolates one.
Itt gives one the feeling of being jailed in your own skin without an outlet.

This is not genetic, or being passed on from generations.
It is a learned behavior from being around who has it or having been victimized
by the person who had it.
We as beings love victimization because it lets us scot free by simply blaming the other and gets sympathy from the onlookers

I have learned that freedom from such blockage is totally on us. Someone else can teach but, the result will appear only when you decide to take the initiative from within.

 Stretch shoulders or neck and feel how good it feels.
You just let go of the burden, stress that was in those areas.
Similarly, decongest by stretching the thought or pain with the ingoing breath and relax as the breath comes out.
A few of these can help to get rid of all kinds of blockages. You were born free and must live freely. Work on it until relaxed with  complete concentration
It does make one feel light.

I am in the process of making the video for this which will be out soon.


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