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who snatches joy out of our life

We are what we want to be
We look at others to decide how our life should be. We refuse to put any effort but demand it should be like theirs ! 
We are killing precious time in blaming the past life and karma while this life is rushing by.
We reminisce about past as if we loved every second we lived.
The truth is  if we honestly look back , it was full of fears and disappointments but who is going to check that so we tell fibs to get sympathy.  Sadly living in past and imitating others is the downfall of our era.
We excuse ourselves blaming our genes. Then we pray for the element of grace without changing the old ways.
This day and era we need to grasp this is one truth, to  enjoy, joy and peace. we must take ownership to shape this life.  Those olden days are gone when our identity was because of our ancestors. We shape and make our identity now, in the present.


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