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Showing posts from August, 2016

relationship of thoughts and hurts

making peace to move on ...

choice to act or believe

attachment verses detachment




life each day

who snatches joy out of our life

We are what we want to be We look at others to decide how our life should be. We refuse to put any effort but demand it should be like theirs !  We are killing precious time in blaming the past life and karma while this life is rushing by. We reminisce about past as if we loved every second we lived. The truth is  if we honestly look back , it was full of fears and disappointments but who is going to check that so we tell fibs to get sympathy.  Sadly living in past and imitating others is the downfall of our era. We excuse ourselves blaming our genes. Then we pray for the element of grace without changing the old ways. This day and era we need to grasp this is one truth, to  enjoy, joy and peace. we must take ownership to shape this life.  Those olden days are gone when our identity was because of our ancestors. We shape and make our identity now, in the present.

living Oneness

all crave respect

pilot own life


tone in our speech

past life glimpses !!


RELATIONSHIPS is meeting of souls. We are a souls that change bodies. When soul resides in the body we are born as a being. We form relationship with another soul and become soul mates.  It is  pure relationship. No bars of status, colour, gender, ego, power or anything that a human mind can manipulate.  Simply a human relationship. Natural, beautiful with endless love and mutual respect. When beings understand this, their relationship become very simple. Fear of unfaithfulness mentally, physically or emotionally does not even come into play. Life is very simple ! REQUISITE for such life is honesty in intention and practice. It makes any relationship beautiful. It makes the world a beautiful place, journey and  experience. We all have glimpses of it, honour it, understand it, hang on to it and nurture it. 

Mind, our connection to God and humanity

Who are these very few human beings in this world who understand the journey of life. I believe they are the beings that understand that to enjoy this gift of life, which is temporary, one must connect with The Creator at all times.  We are connected with God through this invisible umbilical cord which is hidden in the breath as our Life line. It must not be forgotten at any time.  We connect with it through our mind. As long as the thoughts we create in this mind are born off humanity and brought into actions that serve and better the humanity, we live in peace and harmony .   The minute there is a shift away from humanity it takes a destructive form. The result is momentary pleasure then a slippery decline in the quality of life of ours and those around. This requires remembering that human birth is not about independence to do what one pleases. The invisible cord is only severed when the life is taken out of the physical body. It continues in different birth...

confusion of danger and fear


where does anger come from ?

Lucky or unlucky

A person feels lucky when things are going as desired and unlucky when they are going wrong. In luck the thought is, ' I must have done something good to deserve this.'  In tough times the tendency is to blame circumstances or other individuals. Some do consider tough times as lesson for themselves and work to fix them instead of blaming others consider this saying " what we sow, we reap." It is an eye opener. Curb the thoughts, pointing at others and aim towards self,  the entire picture of life will change for you. There is an instant relief in this discovery and eagerness sets to change present and future as the purpose of life.   (Death is often considered as punishment but since all that takes birth progresses towards their end according to their karma, negates this thought. Death is a natural process ) This sudden realization brings hope, peace and joy within to find that our present fate is the result of past thoughts and action and we ...

Power of Life and beings