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Tribute to my Donor (cont'd)

Time comes for all beings when the soul must flee
Kind souls of my dear Donors, left me an eye to see
This morning on 15th of September as I looked into the mirror, I felt mixed emotions, for today I had to say goodbye to a previous Donor. Today will be the real final exit for the old Donor and a new Donor is waiting to give me vision!
I felt sorry that previous transplant failed and also the last working part of the previous Donor will make it's exit from this world. The bonus part was that for how ever long, my Donor's eye did help me see the world even with 80 % clarity it was priceless for me. I was sorry to to let go off but one must move on. I did the last right prayers for the my past Donor and headed to the hospital to welcome another Donor.
Dr. Charlotte Wedge, from Toronto, a very compassionate and a brilliant doctor was going to do this honourable work. Her craftsmanship performed on my last transplant was time was so neat that any time another doctor looked into my eye, was simply was astounded by it.
The surgery was done and I am going through lot of pain and pricking in the eye. I have written a thank you letter through the Eye Bank for generally such donations are done anonymously.
I just wanted the Donor's family to know that their noble gesture of giving kindly is deeply appreciated. It is something to carry on someone's wishes in the midst pain, when your own life has just turned upside down. Yes my pain is strong but nothing in front of their heart ache.
Tomorrow my bandage will be removed and the healing process begins for up until a year when the sutures will be removed.
This is the way The Creator works. I will nurse this eye diligently. Every time I will look in the mirror I will be struck by the wonder of The Creator. This I think is Nature's way of balancing out owing and paying process between people.
When Nature wants something to happen then beings get no say in it.
One such incident happened with me, some how miraculously I came to know about my first donor's family. My donors wife and I became pen pals.
We never know what God's plan are !
I had read that every cell carries memory but was skeptic about it. My Donors wife pointed out to me many times that my thoughts were very much like her husband's. I would consider it coincidental but would not understand the reason behind all this story between two families living in different towns and getting to know each other through a donation program.
Fourteen years later, my donors wife calls me one morning to tell me that her youngest son is engaged to an Indian girl and I need to help her understand indian traditions. NOW, I understood God's reason for making our paths cross. ! There is giving and owing of energies and compassion. God' s network is well interconnected. Giving and taking has to be balanced, completed right here in this world. Who and what we owe or are given is HIs game, pretty complex and mysterious for us mere beings.
God has long term plans sometimes so we just have to play along. He knows best !
Normally I do not like to put out much personal stuff in social media but this time when I was feeling sad yesterday, after receiving the call that some kind soul has left me a gift of sight! I just broke down at such generosity. Then this miraculously thought to share my donor stories to inspire someone out there to sign up for donation came to mind and I started writing.
So, this was my humble homage, deepest tribute to my DONORS. It is a small thank you for their humongous generosity.
Give in life and after life because we never know when the need to take might arise !
God bless !
Grateful Recipient, 
Param K Singh


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