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How fear rules our lives

Fear is one of the first things we learn in life. Not blaming parents who put that in us for they were also entrapped by it. Fear is so intense that makes us loose our self. We use threatening to instil fear in others.  We employ loss to instil fear. It is quite sad when we think about the ways we instil fear in others.
To a child the parent says, Do as I say, or you will lose a privilege. Adults threaten to take away what is precious to another. In today's global world people from remote places call, pretending to be government officials informing that our identity has been stolen and hence they need our personal information to protect us but in fact they rob us, steal life time savings etc, etc. 
Everyone has a way to put fear in another.  Today more then ever before, it is important to teach our mind to rise above fear otherwise we become slaves in the present century. Fear is ruling us in all stages of life from childhood to old age.
As soon as the child understands the need to hide things from parents to save himself from parents, he starts lying, hiding, and many unpleasant things. This applies to all work and social relationships.
Why not remind our mind often that Our Creator resides in us. If we stay connected with Him  at all times then we become fearless and others cannot bully us in any way.  

May be we can bring a revolutionary change in parenting, in work places, in all relationships that put fear in others. Us beings should realize that fear is a losing proposition for all concerned.  Sooner or later use of power of position, money, hierarchy used to mask our fears and mistreat others will come back to us for that is, "The Law of Nature. "
If we honestly seek joy and peace in life we must become fearless, learn to fix the present to hope for better future and work with our own mind. If we want to help then we must check our thoughts, ask of ourself, is my present action adding any real value to our relationship now and in the future. Any doubt should be a deterrent for us. 
Regard and respect for other life can bring way pleasant results.


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