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 Aging smartly by accepting and acknowledging that you are open to a lot more conditions that can become a hurdle in so-called normal living. Having said so, there is always a way to handle your condition smartly and proactively.

Accepting facts of life one might face as a senior.
Your bladder weakens.  Swallowing system. Digestive system changes. Memory dims. Depression sits with you ready to turn on anytime. Mobility suffers. Eyes weaken and many more things.

Let the doctor be the one to diagnose your condition and then read up about it more and see how can you assist your body in small ways to feel better. 

 Today I will like to address choking and coughing on eating and drinking. Which I experienced with my mother and other seniors while volunteering.
It is almost fair to say that you have to relearn some things that were normal before.

If all is well then you may have to seek the smart living. Remember the body ages internally too affecting your internal pipeline system. It can get weaker losing the elasticity resulting in weakening the valves and walls involved. You may not be chewing your food properly because you might me missing some teeth. Or you are a habitually fast eater. Or your lungs are weak and pieces of food are escaping into them causing coughing and choking. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF YOUR DOCTOR's  INSTRUCTIONS. ALSO, ASK THE doctor should you allow people to apply  Heimlich pressure or pat your back WHEN YOU CHOKE.

Some self-helping hints.  
 Eat half mouthful portions.
Have water with you before you eat anything.
Chew 36 times your body will thank you in many ways.
Be mindful when eating. Avoid conversation while eating or when you have food in the mouth.
Exercising the mouth and the lungs. You can do face and throat and neck and vocal cord exercises and deep breathing.
For emergency keep a medium sandwich bag on you with a few napkins at all times. You will save yourself and others from cleaning.
You might be better off to see a Geriatrics doctor instead of your regular doctor. He is a specialist for your age. 
You have to live life to the best of your ability.


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