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Showing posts from June, 2017

gossip erases us the most

view life in retro to make better

happiness is always waiting for invitation

creating happiness and peace

discovering our self

chasing happiness

attitude can redo or undo relationships.....

daughter's hero

dissatisfied !

Blessings Always

life is a bubble


 Aging smartly by accepting and acknowledging that you are open to a lot more conditions that can become a hurdle in so-called normal living. Having said so, there is always a way to handle your condition smartly and proactively. Accepting facts of life one might face as a senior. Your bladder weakens.  Swallowing system. Digestive system changes. Memory dims. Depression sits with you ready to turn on anytime. Mobility suffers. Eyes weaken and many more things. Let the doctor be the one to diagnose your condition and then read up about it more and see how can you assist your body in small ways to feel better.   Today I will like to address choking and coughing on eating and drinking. Which I experienced with my mother and other seniors while volunteering. It is almost fair to say that you have to relearn some things that were normal before. If all is well then you may have to seek the smart living. Remember the body ages internally too affect...

depression and loneliness

Depression begins with the confusion of our identity. As a child, our name and gender and our lineage with the family tells our identity. As time rolls whatever we become, as an adult becomes our identity. As we enter the retirement age our I.D. slowly fiddles away and boom 💥💥you feel as a nobody! A major cause of depression!  In young age, you were too busy with your image and with it ending you feel there is no one, or anything to attach and depend on.   You try to move towards spirituality but find the set ways of the world are hard to ignore. The reality is, we live a lie. We are not what we have acquired.  We are the image of the Universe Creator. We are beings on earth with a soul that can create. "We come from ONE and we have to think all around us as One's children." This is what we hear but refuse to practice. All scriptures, religions, and Masters said this but only a few understood it. Most seniors find themselves very lonely in old age. We are beings and...

Hate is so destructive....

Hate is such a strong word It hurts more than a sword We use it very easily without realizing it's affects. It causes more pain then the targeted being. It eats up the user because it hacks the users physical , mental and emotional system. The targeted person has a choice to accept or reject your hateful action or words. But, you have no recourse once, you have had the thought. You will suffer the repercussion of your action. It s a PAINFUL KARMA. Consider yourself lucky if the other ignores because he could easily increase your pain by throwing it back to you loaded with his own hatred !! Be weary of this hate It eventually eats those who use it. Even It's spelling indicates that H ATE !! IT EATS GENERATIONS and  COUNTRIES SAY NO TO HATE  it is  continuous , it expaaaaaands !!!  
attitude shapes your day Some people are energetic at the end of the day.   Some are so exhausted and feel spent in every way. Although both do the similar job and eat the same way. The difference is one is elated for he is thankful for the day. The other nitpicks at everything, feeling life is unfair in every way.                                                                                                                                                       

Importance of being MINDFUL

Importance of being  MINDFUL ' I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ Says Maya Angelou Beautiful words that remind us the importance of being mindful of words. It is said that more people are injured with words than in other ways.  Mindful living brings forth many benefits. It brings forth gratitude and awakens one to realize, that our soul represents ONE and is with us at every given moment to guide us before we err.

meditation on the go