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A Simple Exercise On Positivity

Positive thinking is temporary and artificial unless you go to our original state mind of being which is truth, compassion, contentment, humbleness and love.

What can we do to experience even a fraction of our originality?

Plan the day realistically, how you would like it to be before you drift off to sleep.
Your mind will surprise you by waking you up in a peaceful state for your subconscious works on it the whole night.

If we start our day unplanned then we soak what ever comes our way like negative news, negative attitude of people because all that travels faster than positive news.

There is another positive when you start the day in calmness, you can overlook, easily forgive and let go others shortness which develops a chain of negative and irritating and reactions otherwise.

Initially, it feels strange but as you keep at it and see the improved life it tends to become part of you.


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