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Real purpose of life

Purpose of life confuses us extremely !
Most think that purpose of life is to achieve big !  If this was true then rich and achievers should not be unhappy but most are!
Shakespeare said very rightly that the world is a stage and we are the actors.  Very true! We are acting our roles with varying degree of happiness.
Very few have success and happiness. The difference I noticed is in their attitude towards their achievement and others.
They have achieved without attachment.  If they see a different opportunity knocking they look at it. if need be they detach from first idea. Sometimes they even let it go. They understand and respect time and move to the next project.
The other remarkable thing about them is they respect and recognize others contribution and reward them properly.
Jealousy or selfishness is not their virtue. They have virtues of The Creator. All their  thoughts are from within.  They may not be religious but they are very spiritual. Their thought is to include Univere in everything.
This makes me conclude that the real purpose of life is to become His true copy while acting on the earth's stage


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