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bringing in a change

Living in the moment is a challenge for beings. It requires that we believe we are responsible for how our day unfolds. A huge challenge but achievable if you are aware that you are the planner of the day today. How you respond to what you come across externally and and your internal dialogue will contribute towards the quality of your day. For example you must loose some weight for an upcoming event to get into a dress that you love. You thought you will start some work out today. Today when you woke you, up did not feel that refreshed and pulled up the covers and decided that I will start the workout tomorrow and went back to sleep. You could turn this scene around if you focus on why you wanted to work out ! Think how you would look and feel if that outfit fits you. Next change you inner dialogue. You feel tired yes but you can still get up and walk and do the work out because you do have working legs to do your walking. The story would be different if they were not working. Point is change the dialogue and you will find that you have the power within you at this moment to do a lot more then you believe. The moment is now and up to you ! Inspire yourself to do something you will like to do. Could be something very small but do it and feel good !


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