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Story of the Present Century Person

Life in this century is going berserk for nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves. Everyone wants ready made and perfect family and possessions. Why ?  Because wants are more, means are  limited and those do have the means pass their responsibility to others to do their job. 
In life I have learnt that no one else does your job as well as you can. 
Accept this and suffer the consequences or take your responsibilities seriously.  One does not have to be a champion at everything. In fact every person is gifted with a unique talent. We have to learn to respect that instead of comparison. 
Life is about taking our duty seriously. One should pay serious thought before taking up a role that one is not willing to give quality time with patience.  We can do the best yet feel lost because we cannot change others journey, only make it a little easier.  We beings have limitations !nce.  Life is challenge !
Responsibility starts at individual level, then the social and other levels. Kids have become easy targets in poor and well off families equally for unknowingly, we  let it out on weaker then us.
Parents have no time for parenting for whatever reason and the kids are stressed out even as young as toddlers. Everyone wants their children to turn out to be happy, obedient, respectful etc. Etc. 
Take a look at an average family.
The kids are kept busy every moment for there is an underlying fear, being idle is not good. Parents are rushing from morning until bedtime.
 Texting is the modern communication. At the table every body including parents have their phones on.  Everyone has this concept that the world cannot function without them.  Conversation is limited, bloods pressures are always running high. 
When things are rushed, proper recipe is not followed, ingredients are exchanged the cake goes flat and tasteless.
Our well being is our responsibility! Something to think if we really want better relationships and families. One can do the best and yet feel lost because we cannot change others journey, only make it a little easier.  We beings have limitations !


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