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Showing posts from November, 2017

Being, you are a wonder

breadth and life~ Natural Twins

we know how to be positive

Understanding Unconditional Love

How I understand Unconditional love A topic very hard to comprehend. Why, because we always have this idea that love brings happiness.  I think love does not seek payment. True love is a condition, a state one goes into when a being thinks of the source of its love. One will give and go on giving because that is love for that person. This love is rare and could exist in any relationship, between any two beings. I believe it is what is called Oneness relationship. One has to realize and form a relationship with oneself and the Creator of life force first,  to experience this.

life comes in moments

renewing life

our people accounts

life improves when accounts balance

follow for 30 seconds that gives life

Life is ruled by our thoughts

Growing up we were always told to think, contemplate then act. After many years the meaning of those words dawned and why in that order also made sense. When the thought first occurs with the help of the senses, we have another function to perform, which is to contemplate on that thought. But we usually skip that and act on the thought directly. We could save ourselves a lot of heartaches a pain by pausing. Also during the contemplation part, we do hear a feeble sound from within telling us not to go ahead.  We ignore this voice and go ahead at the time. Later, it dawns on us that voice was trying to save us.

power of smile