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Showing posts from July, 2017

follow the instinct

each day you achieve something great

your thought is your might

choices shape life

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind is controlled by us Peace is felt when the chatter of mind silences. Silence happens when all senses stop complaining and judging. All this can only happen when you understand good and bad is a related term. What is good for you today may be a disaster for someone else. it is dependent on your present situation. Once this is understood mind's chatter reduces and you notice less and less of complaining and judging and you begin to feel the peace more and more. it takes time but works very well.

Is mind the culprit ?

a way to change....

value of life is related to thoughts

add values that revive our being

time keeps moving

the math of life

makeover life

love always overpowers

living freely