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Showing posts from April, 2016

smile, a precious gift to give .......

an identity that can't go wrong

judging and our life

think before going green

defining us beings

our judgement is an outer journey of other's life

self respect is naturally content

choices of life

happiness has no conditions attached ....

the art of living life is presently pouring in life .....

good giving simply attracts everything positive

awareness of intent helps to change for better ,,,,

gains of giving up jealousy

"Why those suffer most, who never seem to hurt anyone "

our connection with others

truth and blessings are a pair ....

most times we hurt ourselves more then others hurt us

misusing makes right or wrong

breath IS LIFE

life today, keeping in line with politics

ego, a wall that holds us back

choices of journey of life

the way to change our life story ....

what we see of other's life is mostly illusion

magic of gratitude